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they saw the cross

Thou, oh, God, has seen how they have pursued the purpose of depriving us of our just rights, and destroying in our midst the institution which Thy Providence has solemnly bound us to uphold, defend and protect. 

And thus we acted. 

Torn from their mother’s arms, wailing terrified
Taken far away, on their own to survive.
They couldn’t understand, their traditions vilified
Beatings for speaking the only words they knew
Searing loneliness and pain from separation grew. 
Their little hearts welled up with each new abuse. 
Precious lips quivered as tears filled their eyes, 
unable to contain the trauma deep inside. 
Punished for feeling what any child would. 
And loss after excruciating loss, they saw the cross

Taught to be submissive, scared, confused 
They learned to fear the ones sitting in those pews
Professing love for God and never sparing the rod
Those whites with tools and torches appeared at their door, 
Daddy never to return, mammas clothes they tore
Her screams from that other room haunted all their dreams
And in that terrifying night their lives fell apart. 
His absence left them hopeless, it cut their little hearts. 
Learning every day to fear, they never wanted to be here. 
And in that heartless murderous mob, they saw, the cross. 

He grew up in church, on fire for the lord
Answered every call to lead, hung on every word 
When he was a little younger, his feelings had him scared
This little boy was filled with shame he never shared. 
The words he heard in church made him feel like he was cursed.
All when kids should learn the wonder of God’s earth
Then one week, moved to speak, in him Jesus’ peace had peaked
He said that ever since he could remember, he was gay. 
That fear ruled his days and made him question how he’s made. 
Finished now he begged for for each of their prayers
And scared he raised his eyes to a sea of angry glares
They called him an abomination, shameless, and profane. 
overcome with dread, he wanted to be dead. 
And in that hopeless humiliation, he saw, the cross

The stories go on, you know that’s not the end

Priests abusing kids in pews 
Mega-pastors in the news
SBC’s sexual abuse
They see the cross
They see the cross
They see the cross

Predators in the pulpit
Bigot “Christians” spew their bullshit
Progressive “Christians” refuse to do shit
They see the cross
They see the cross
They see the cross

Apathy in the body, inaction on display
Worship in a sundown town, a spiritually rundown town
Move mountains for the fetus while sweet children decay 
They see the cross
They see the cross
They see the cross

And yet he is not mocked. 
For we, he does not need. 

Just that disciples and imposters often look the very same.

We need a flame, believe he came, rep his name, show humility and shame. 

To the pagan and the heathen
To all unbaptized souls still breathin 
let’s not dismiss what they’re seein.

Read the books
Hear their stories
Know from whence we came
And bear your cross

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they saw the cross

they saw the cross is about finding personal humility and grace for critics of our faith within the stories of our past

author: matt kent | 1/2023

©2024 child of weakness

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